Ryan B. Clark - Ghost Writer

I started Keep the Greasy Side Down in the Spring of 2017. I had several focuses early on, but eventually it became very obvious that I had a place in the Phoenix, Arizona music scene. But, in March of 2020 everything changed, started, and then stopped.

I spent a good portion of that isolated time writing Letters to Laertes. Half of the memoir already exists, as I wrote it towards the end of Keep the Greasy Side Down. The rest of the time I spent building up a music project called Hookworm Records.

Oh - I also survived an aortic aenyurism in there, and I now tick like the ticking Crocodile from Peter Pan.

The point is - the page has been calling to me once again, and this seems like a good way to do it from watching my mentor Ken Lamberton post his wonderful musings here - Notes from a Pajama Birdwatcher.

So Subscribe - I promise the new is on the way!

Keep the Greasy Side Down, my friends.

Subscribe to The Bone Hoard

Ryan B. Clark has published short stories, a novel, a novella/ rock opera, a book of poetry, and produced three vinyl records (as Hookworm Records). The Bone Hoard is a the online home for what comes next.


Independent Writer from Arizona. Local music blogger on Keep the Greasy Side Down, and writer of suspence/ haunted tales. Credits include: Spirits of Jerome, Kindred Spirits & Mirrored Souls (poetry), ManInfest Destiny and Ghost Songs.